Note: There should be a unique DUNS Number assigned for each of a registrant’s physical locations (i.e. a corporate headquarters should have a different DUNS Number than each of its mills).
Note: Business Name is a feed mill and not a person (ex. Blue Bird Feed Mill)
Note: If you do not have or do not know the DUNS Number for the registrant, please use the information on this web page to request the DUNS Number.
Note: If an owner/operator has more than one feed mill to register, additional facilities can be added later.
Note: If you do not have or do not know the DUNS Number for the registrant, please use the information on this web page to request the DUNS Number.
Note: The contact person for the manufacturing site should be the most responsible person for the site.
Note: Importer means, for purposes of this part, a person in the United States that is an owner, consignee, or recipient, at the time of entry, of a foreign establishment’s drug, or an animal feed bearing or containing a new animal drug, that is imported into the United States.
A summary of your data will appear here.
If you find any discrepancies, please go back and make corrections on the appropriate page of the data form.
Note:If there are any errors, you will be transported directly to the page where the error occurred. Correct your data and review the rest of the form, then come back here and validate again.
Note: you are submitting data to the federal government.
The result of the submission action will appear here.